
Didn’t save the original text but here are my words:

Imagine an infinite 2d grid. Start at (0, 0). Move one unit right, then turn left whenever possible so that you don’t intersect with your trail. I.e. make a counter clock wise spiral. The challenge input is the number of iterations, the solution is the coordinate where the point ends up.

For input=4, the solution is (-1, 1)

  ------ |
  |    | |
  | .--- |


It took a while for me to get what the challenge really was about. Instead of wasting time on trying to solve the problem, I did what a proper script kiddie does well - I used Google. I found a very good solution on stackoverflow that takes the number of iterations and returns the coordinates in O(1) time.

The challenge input is a huge number, sometimes over 1024 bits in length, so we need to support that.

I re-wrote the code in python, rotated the coordinates (since the spiral went clockwise in the code above) and adapted it to use decimal to get arbitrary precision. Then just hooked it up to the game server and got the flag.

import math
import decimal
from pwn import *
context.log_level = 0

_ctx = decimal.getcontext()

def floor(x):
    with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
        return x.to_integral_exact()

def spiral(n):
    #given n an index in the squared spiral
    #p the sum of point in inner square
    #a the position on the current square
    #n = p + a

    _n = decimal.Decimal(n)

    #r = math.floor((math.sqrt(n + 1) - 1) / 2) + 1
    r = long(floor((decimal.Decimal(_n + 1).sqrt() - 1) / 2) + 1)

    #compute radius : inverse arithmetic sum of 8+16+24+...=
    p = (8 * r * (r - 1)) / 2
    #compute total point on radius -1 : arithmetic sum of 8+16+24+...

    en = r * 2
    #points by face

    a = (1 + n - p) % (r * 8)
    #compute de position and shift it so the first is (-r,-r) but (-r+1,-r)
    #so square can connect

    pos = [0, 0, r];
    tmp = math.floor(a / (r * 2))
    #find the face : 0 top, 1 right, 2, bottom, 3 left
    if tmp == 0:
        pos[0] = a - r
        pos[1] = -r
    elif tmp == 1:
        pos[0] = r
        pos[1] = (a % en) - r
    elif tmp == 2:
        pos[0] = r - (a % en)
        pos[1] = r
    elif tmp == 3:
        pos[0] = -r
        pos[1] = r - (a % en)

    #print("n : ", n, " r : ", r, " p : ", p, " a : ", a, "  -->  ", pos)
    newpos = [-pos[1], pos[0], r]
    return newpos

#for i in xrange(25):
#    print i+1, spiral(i)

#print spiral(87617132336372079846506616471286455749443259655954533789357600981378524569118335678751536947646080176816437606601550323221987024289898039719680451033326652052129641143066615453270361535742146132971398209593358690841000867875335581644900086496061447470988285895603240925546341429765197561195418284611512072176183221118915681135559699902117689293065428013532910524117825539447351947261308698064828704511533056969797355257686729816425986743810441213016227815358114008621623753229561235048044)

p = process("openssl s_client -connect", shell=True)

p.recvuntil("Verify return code: 0 (ok)\n---\n")

while True:
    print "N=", N
    ret = spiral(long(N) - 1)
    p.sendline(str(ret[0]) + " " + str(ret[1]))

print p.recv()